Summary of the
Lila Paradigm

1) The entire physical world, the Cosmos, the human mind, and the process of Life, emerge from within our True Nature as non-physical (spiritual), boundless beings, not fully accepting each other as we actually are.

2) We are all ultimately beautiful, boundless, loving Beings with the ability to accept that each other are the same. We are without beginning or end. That acceptance is our Openness to what our True Nature actually is. It is often called Divine Love.

3) Each of Us is a unique aperture in and out of All that is, the Only Being; it is the flux of our Divine Love, ebbing and flowing from our unique viewpoint. That aperture is the Heart.

4) Source, as all that exists, non-physical or material, manifest or imagined, is the Only Being. It is comprised of an utterly vast number of Us boundless beings in ever changing relationship, or degrees of Awakening. This can also be thought of as a dynamic network of Boundless Beings.

5) Where there is Awakening still to happen, indirect connections between us also arise. This indirectness creates what all apertures experience as a physical universe.

6) [Coming Soon]

Doug Seeley, Ph.D.